티스토리 뷰

Standing dead or killing someone else you're going to say something like that gonna kill and ends on the last geolro Song Kang-ho is also dying, literally multiple calls revenge ...? Who are the people who killed Song Kang-ho? Does it just listed without rank 1. Cure - Kurosawa giyoyi 2.12 people angry people - Sidney Lumet 3. Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock 4. Yichang - Alfred Hitchcock 5. Parasite - Bong 6. Motherboard - Bong 7. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Park Chan-wook 8. Old Boy - Park Chan-wook 9. a clockwork orange - Stanley Kubrick 10. wind that shakes the Barley - Ken Loach 11. Gone Girl - David Pincher 12. Late autumn - Kim, Tae - Yong 13. Gokseong

- Na Hong-jin 14. Blade Runner 2049 - Denis Villeneuve 15. Nobody Knows - Hirokazu Koreeda 16. The third murder - Hirokazu Koreeda 17. Shining - Stanley Kubrick 18. Bath Visitor's tough guys - Quentin Tarantino 19. Schindler's List - Spielberg 20. Mo Ke mono Hime - Hayao Miyazaki, this guy is also pyeonyira while advocating a genre film than the auteur theory revealed preference for the philosophy of the artist in his movies but Shin Ha-kyun really hard star Wars original> log Rihanna won = >>> prequel to ten thousand months

Park Chan-wook Revenge Revenge is mine, I in mine heard I think hopefully this damn dog multiple series liking. Park Chan-wook Park Chan-wook film'm saying ... what? (Ending Spokane's) of Film student unplug Life Movie 20: Revenge is you mine I neommo afraid of a personal movie star series ranking this movie where I end plate king's real unhappy narrative so sad dwaeseo understand all the three positions as well as should not do geojiman muscled look. revenge is mine, I saw the three Sympathy for Lady vengeance Old Boy is converted ahhae revenge trilogy, this is equal to the best jjipjjip kkeutnangeo Bae Doona
