티스토리 뷰

Hell is a 'director cut a special degree, "said" will showcase coming 12 days 23:00 has "a person is Hell: Director's Cut" will be the first time in public, "he said this, others are hell," Director-cut works with existing public than it brings a lot conveyed as animated mystery excitement and tension, even the version expected. [star News jeonggaeul intern reporter] / photo = OCN 'someone is hell' home drama "someone is hell 'is under continuous broadcast in the OCN channel . OCN is the 9th 23:00



And 13 to 15 are 'WATCHER' ​​received rave reviews after five days in well-made psychological thriller, finds 9 pm 11 pm the first part of the emitter viewers' Hell is other people. " 16 January 23:00, the OCN first dramatic a 'trap' invited to the Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival Cinema project, 20 January 23 days 4 days is the time slip susageuk "tunnel" who acclaimed masterpieces ranging from 28 the sound track from the thriller days to 31 days writing a new history of jangreumul



OCN, 'Hell is other people' continuous full-length broadcast 中 ..12 one director cut public OCN, 'Hell is other people' continuous full-length broadcast cuts 中 ..12 one director public "Hell is other people" Director's Cut premiere, OCN original relay (official), others are hell is the Director's cut'm drama "hell is other people 'is under continuous broadcast in the channel OCN. OCN is nine days from 10 minutes 23:00 10 days

10 days from 10 minutes up to 40 minutes yangilgan 22:00 drama "Hell is other people" being the first part airs continuously organized from 1 to 10 times. Is content with the mystery thriller drama broadcast last year in August with the drama of the same name of Real Madrid in the original to October, one to Tokyo youth experience the hell Nancy others are made in foreign gosiwon life in Seoul someone is hell ' the captured. Prior OCN will last two days said, " 'the others are hell," a drama OLD in the right last topic in the New Year directors cut Featured also will be available, "" coming on the 12th 23:00, the' others is Hell: Director's Cut 'for the first time in public , "he said.

OCN represents original work that comes with full-length back view 'original relay. OCN channel is showcasing a special organization welcomed the New Year 2020. Again, the original relay, a special organization to see the original works representing OLD Liege hot popular one 'Hell is other people "Director's Cut and OCN first part was ready. 1 'hell is other people: Director's Cut' intense jangreumul yieogan the numerous popular even after 11 pm, the OLD January 12 are released for the first time. Unconventional

22:00 yangilgan up to 40 minutes drama "Hell is other people" being the first part airs continuously organized from 1 to 10 times. Is content with the mystery thriller drama broadcast last year in August with the drama of the same name of Real Madrid in the original to October, one to Tokyo youth experience the hell Nancy others are made in foreign gosiwon life in Seoul someone is hell ' the captured. "Hell is other people's" will was collected before the popular broadcast in the cast line-up, such as Yim Si-wan, Lee Dong Wook, yijeongeun, the same name of the original Real Madrid also recorded a cumulative 800 million views and views gathered a large popularity. Prior OCN is the last two days, "a drama OLD right into the New Year last year's topic" tines

Hot rolling of the characters and the actors, realistic and sensible enough to produce a blend which received acclaimed works, to be re-edited Director's Cut "Hell is other people" that will gather a lot of attention to. Producers' Hell is other people "Hell is other people is: Director's Cut version is expected to be a little more to enjoy the excitement and suspense of a mystery than before. Taps many expectations and interests you. I added expectations. In addition, full-length back view of OCN represents original work received much love from viewers 'original relay' also continues. 2 pm 11 am to open the emitter bond, a new chapter in Korean shamanism and exorcism exorcism drama 'hands the guest' is the first part broadcast. Jan. 7, 8,
