티스토리 뷰

What about sending a courier. ▷ woohuijong: live anthrax. ▶ lowest prices: geureonikkayo. what is this sound? Anything like that coming to Korea museounde, that DHL was going? Was FedEx? ▷ woohuijong: FedEx. ▶ lowest prices Just Not going came in the regular air mail? I can not believe, and who seem to say that a lie. ▷ woohuijong: Right. ▶ lowest prices: What the hell is this biochemical Korea are, I admit, this time the US forces. The case is not recognized until finally admitted, coming contains biological material.


Not to disclose the list of imported materials there was no street fighting the North Virtual Video (now deleted) is not a defense. When a country that scholars woohuijong professor involved - details please quote tbs revealed that the interview with [the lowest prices Newsletter plant. Interview with second factory] USFK 'biochemical Korea imported' debate ... "! Greater evil, should be demolished more weapons laboratories" - woohuijong (Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ▶ lowest prices on: Today we can not accept other media primer, I think a very important issue and that the Busan Ilbo covering the first


Did you have a word about? ▷ woohuijong: Yes, absolutely, I do not speak without grounds. ▶ lowest prices: this would have been locked out why so far? ▷ woohuijong: Right. So I basically this fact if we did not know was that the live anthrax. ▶ lowest prices: geureonikkayo. Then truly exceptional to admit it at this time that US forces are importing biochemicals won in Busan


▷ woohuijong: Then I'd like to start rattling the end of Obama's executive order after the presidential election. Both to the United States as the second president made as soon as the first Establish a state-of-the-art facility on the biological weapon is unloaded this command. ▶ lowest prices: From President Obama? ▷ woohuijong: So three years after its facilities in 2013


: It is toxic even stronger than that I hear now, while imported material? ▷ woohuijong: the list of substances coming so far unfortunately not published. ▶ lowest prices on: The three types are disclosed yesterday Not gonna have seen? ▷ woohuijong: It's still not demonstrated that brought the weak among them, just a little taste. But itjyo yet it is important. In practice, however, the defense called year 2017, where it assumes a small city in North Korea in the series of experiments will be the virtual home training. ▶ lowest prices: also recorded

Mworalkkayo at all that might come in with, geolkkayo was to avoid leaving a record in the group? Himdeunde to imagine. ▷ woohuijong: It is okay to leave the county records. Because in our country at all eopeunikkayo lengths to tell it. Yisinde good word, even'm there too the SOFA regulations because the German military camp in the war. But there's gotta be looking at everything, about the US military material. ▶ lowest prices on: American troops if the offense in Germany, granted

I have it? ▷ woohuijong: I was up videos, but now I can not see dwaeseo deleted. So if this defense, ▶ lowest prices: that did not make sense. ▷ woohuijong: Why is it assumed in the North of the city there, why I'm doing urban combat exercises, hands-on exercises? ▶ lowest prices: geoneyo it was something we do not know that makes no sense. ▷ woohuijong: The mainstream media have downed silent. Superintendent's because he dont tell me where it

Not one? Inde happened in the German lands. Deulyeoseo wrong with this material if you dont suffer damage our nationals, nationals of the Republic of Korea to wear damage. ▷ woohuijong: Right. But SOFA regulations of the United States and South Korea have signed this thoroughly Because the US Administration namneundago Even if the military records currently no way we can know. ▶ lowest prices: SOFA provisions also by the way, North Korea, Iran, and no excuse, but

This makes anthrax and biological weapons is over a half-century history of the development as biological weapons. So it's great compared to the general anthrax toxin toxicity deulyigo many special bacteria. So this georo shown in the official paper if only about 10km anthrax can be found here, and the second only go 2.5 megaton nuclear, risk. ▶ lowest prices: just 10km? Still not 10%, 10km. ▷ woohuijong: So lactic acid bacteria, 1.8, one 2km old milk cartons did I end this release together about a ten. Inde those things, ▶ lowest prices

If Korea's main biological warfare research center raneyo (anthrax courier the reason) in the United States .jpg NYT "Trump, excessive defense spending requirements in Korea ... I do not ridiculous," Shock> 10 kg about anthrax, weapons of approximately 2.5M. US military unwittingly give angry even to experiment in secret deulyeowaseo anthrax News Factory - biochemical substances carry USFK 'biochemical domestic import "controversial ... "Greater evil than the nuclear weapons laboratory
